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Remarkable Home on a Budget

1297 Dolores St, Noe Valley, San Francisco,
CA, 94110, United States
$4,500 /mo For Rent
  • 119
  • 2
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathrooms
  • 2000 sq m
Scott Goodwin
Scott Goodwin
Contact Agent


The state of the art kitchen is artfully designed from top to bottom. Brand new windows allow light to seep in even on the foggiest day! The glossy, clean white granite countertops provide acres of counter space, never worry about prepping for company again! The tile work compliments the granite counters and shining stainless steel appliances. The fridge is a gorgeous, wide double door and matches the gas range complete with 2 extra bbq burners! While a microwave drawer ensures you’ll never serve room temperature food, the wine cooler ensures your dinner Reisling will always be optimum temperature. The garbage disposal is a given and of course the faucet matches the rest of the kitchen. Storage is taken care of with large cabinetry throughout the kitchen.


Air Conditioning

Floor Plans

Additional Information

Parking spaces: 2
Room count: 6
Lot depth: 126
Lot width: 38


  1. admin

    In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is a filler text or greeking commonly used to demonstrate the textual elements of a graphic document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content with placeholder text allows designers to design the form of the content before the content itself has been produced.

  2. admin

    Lorem Ipsum is also known as: Greeked text, blind text, placeholder text, dummy content, filler text, lipsum, and mock-content.

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